Discovery: A Growing Business Relies on Entuity.

Case Studies

Discovery是一家全球性公司,拥有十个提供健康保险的业务部门, car insurance, 为南非近600万人提供人寿保险和金融十大赌博正规老平台, the United Kingdom, Asia and the USA. 自二十年前成立以来,Discovery已经从一家单纯的医疗保健公司发展成为一家多元化的公司,提供创新十大赌博正规老平台,以满足客户不断变化的需求.

公司 Highlights

  • 公司 Size: 10,0000+ employees, 10 Business Units
  • Countries Supported: South Africa, United Kingdom, Asia, United States
  • Network Management Software: Entuity network management

Business Needs
Discovery的持续扩张给其全球网络基础设施和十大赌博正规老平台交付带来了压力. There are over 10,000多名内部用户和大约250名IT人员,其中包括4名专职网络工程师. Supporting 10,000+ users is not an easy task. With more than 800 network devices worldwide, Discovery需要一个能够提供关键网络可见性以快速识别网络问题的网络管理解决方案. 他们需要保持高水平的十大赌博正规老平台交付,以确保每个业务单元保持生产力.

今天, Discovery正在搬迁到一个新的最先进的设施,将多个数据中心合并为一个新的数据中心, single data center in South Africa. 当这个新的数据中心开始运行时,那里的IT团队将看到他们负责的监控设备数量急剧增加. 他们的Entuity网络管理解决方案将使他们有能力保持Discovery全球十个业务部门的网络可靠运行.

Keeping an Expanding Network Healthy
Growing pains are inevitable when your company is expanding worldwide. Discovery面临的挑战是用永远在线的网络十大赌博正规老平台来支持他们的各种业务单位. 当你的公司提供医疗和金融十大赌博正规老平台时,就没有犯错的余地. 从第三方医疗保健提供商和最终用户到Discovery员工, everyone depends on 24/7 access for health or financial answers. 最初,网络管理是通过不同工具的混合来完成的, 哪些不提供主动警报或必要的网络管理功能, such as capacity planning, that were critical to Discovery’s business growth and success.

有多少网络设备和连接是有限的可见性, down or experiencing errors. 度量十大赌博正规老平台水平协议(sla)和延迟也很困难,而且不完全准确. 日益复杂的应用程序和网络扩展导致了更多的中断,影响了公司的生产力和不断升级的容量问题. The single function, non-integrated network management applications were not effective, efficient or accurate. “Despite the growing demand of applications and various services, without a comprehensive view of our network, our resources were not always being used effectively,” stated Paul Du Plessis, Discovery IT Communications Manager. Discovery IT团队意识到要成功地支持公司, it was time for an enterprise class network management solution.

A Powerful Prescription for Maintaining Network Health
对于任何成长型公司来说,最大的IT工程挑战可能是在添加新十大赌博正规老平台时快速响应的能力, supporting an increasing end-user base, and supporting new technologies. Discovery was thriving, IT组织需要更大的网络可见性和洞察力,了解网络是如何被使用的,以及如何有效地扩展它,以提供公司的快速扩展. After a thorough evaluation of multiple network management products, Entuity network management was chosen.

Entuity拥有单一产品中最广泛、最深入的功能. 甚至在评估过程中,Entuity也发现了一些“隐藏”的问题. 例如, high interface utilization on critical links was identified, SDIs were brought to light, 交通模式被强调,容量规划的缺乏是显而易见的. Entuity的概念验证表明,通过其易于导航和一体化视图,它具有作为企业级网络管理解决方案的能力, thereby providing an accurate picture of Discovery’s worldwide network. “Without Entuity,” remarked Paul Du Plessis, “我们将没有实时可视性来确保我们的网络支持整个公司.”

“Entuity对我们硬件供应商的互操作性要求反应迅速,我们很欣赏他们如何不断适应技术的变化. 对于我们来说,拥有一个不断改进其产品的软件供应商对我们作为一个IT组织的持续成功是有帮助的.”
– Paul Du Plessis, IT Communications Manager, Discovery

Discovery IT团队现在拥有一个一体化的集成网络管理解决方案. 使用Entuity的关键改进在于最终用户满意度. Since installing Entuity, the team is able to respond more proactively, which has led to much lower time to event resolution, consistent uptime and in turn, happier 客户. 快速跟踪中断根本原因的能力减轻了IT部门的压力,并改善了他们自己的工程师时间管理. It also makes an obvious difference in the network’s performance. Using Entuity, IT运营团队估计,它已经减少了涉及pc的问题的平均修复时间(MTTR), servers and switches by two-thirds, freeing up valuable resources and increasing productivity.

通过增加对网络设备路由邻居变化的可见性,进一步实现了改进的网络管理. 这种新的更改自动警报允许IT主动管理可能触发的任何相关有害事件. Additionally, the alerting, capacity planning, 和Entuity提供的实时可见性功能使Discovery IT组织:

  • Enhanced network management efficiency
  • Accurate data to make smarter decisions
  • Reduced operational complexity
  • Key Results Achieved with Entuity Network Management include:
  • 易于进行网络扩展,并为公司的持续扩展添加适当的IT资源
  • 通过改进警报和根本原因分析,减少了十大赌博正规老平台中断的数量
  • 将MTTR降低了三分之二,并提高了终端用户满意度和生产力

About Entuity
Embracing the digital worldview, Entuity为不断变化的企业提供数字网络分析. Our highly automated, 统一, 企业级解决方案将深入的网络洞察置于您的指尖, frees IT staff to focus on strategic projects, and easily integrates with major framework environments. Entuity的支持和十大赌博正规老平台团队经常因其快速反应而受到称赞, networking expertise and involvement in special engagements.