什么是浸入式冷却 for Data Centers? -如何运作


克里斯Carriero 发布日期:2023年12月8日

IT professionals have been charged to do more with less. 幸运的是, there are several potential routes forward, including third-party outsourcing of various functions and maintenance, improved monitoring and reporting, and technical innovations that can reduce energy costs.




浸没冷却是一种液体冷却,用于通过将数据中心设备浸入冷却液中来调节其温度. 十大赌博正规老平台器浸入式冷却有助于散热,并保持cpu等组件的最佳性能. 事实证明,浸入式冷却系统比传统的数据中心冷却方法(如计算机机房空调)更有效, or CRAC) due to the increased thermal conductivity of most liquids compared to air.

immersion cooling data center example

因为 1-1.5%的用电量 across the globe is attributable to data centers, 公司一直在创新,寻找一种可以减少能源需求的液体冷却解决方案. 介电流体浸没冷却是一种可以在消耗更少能源的同时增加数据中心CPU密度的解决方案.


介电液体冷却依赖于导热而非导电流体的使用,这种流体不会破坏电子元件(如十大赌博正规老平台器)的功能. Examples of 电介质s include mineral oil hydrocarbons, 合成碳氟化合物), 硅胶液体.

浸没冷却技术可以依靠介电流体目的选择保持在液体状态, or fluids intended to cycle through a liquid and gas state within the system. 所选择的流体类型取决于所使用的是单相系统还是两相系统.

浸入式冷却vs. 液体冷却

简单地说, 浸没冷却是已经探索的几种液体冷却技术的一个子集. Other types of liquid cooling include direct-to-chip (DTC), 后门十大赌博正规老平台器机架冷却, 水运数据中心冷却, 蒸发冷却.

浸入式冷却vs. 十大赌博正规老平台器机架水冷却

带浸没冷却, whole data center components are directly submerged into a specially designed tank. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, water-cooled server racks look very similar to traditional rack-mount servers, 但它们与水块和循环流体的管道相连,以帮助散热.

How Does Immersion Cooling Work?

从基础层面, 液体浸没冷却数据中心组件涉及将它们浸泡在介电流体中. 从那里开始,这个过程看起来会有很大的不同,这取决于是两阶段还是两阶段. single-phase immersion cooling system is being used.

单相vs. 两相浸没冷却

The “phases” in single-phase and two-phase immersion are a reference to states of matter, and not physical stages in the system. 这两个浸入式冷却槽的物理足迹并没有很大的不同, but their cooling cycles and contained fluids set them apart.

how immersion cooling companies function


In single-phase immersion cooling, heat from the immersed server components is transferred directly to the surrounding fluid. 然而, the 电介质 does not undergo a “phase change” from a liquid to a gas. 而不是, 流体通过一个流经热交换器的冷却剂泵从浸入式水箱中循环出来,并以较低的温度返回浸入式水箱,在那里继续这种传热循环.


在两相浸没冷却, heat from immersed server components causes the special immersion fluid to boil. The resulting steam heats a condenser coil in the top of the sealed chamber. 冷凝器盘管中的冷却剂循环出腔室,进入散热机构(冷却塔), 等.). 然后, the coolant is sent back to the sealed chamber at a lower temperature, ready to continue the heat transfer cycle.

这种浸入式冷却槽的关键因素之一是浸入式液体的低沸点. 然而, 两相冷却的主要缺点之一是浸泡室的密封功能.

因为 of the steam from the phase change in two-phase liquid immersion cooling, the chamber must be sealed during operation. 这意味着进行维护需要冷却和开封过程,这将耗费宝贵的操作时间 cost as much as $5,600 per minute).

Benefits of Liquid Immersion Cooling

From higher efficiency to less noise within the data center, server immersion cooling offers myriad benefits for your IT operations.

1. Immersion Cooling Uses Less Energy than Air

数据中心内的平均功率使用效率(PUE)可以通过将总能耗除以计算设备使用的能耗来衡量. This means that as PUE gets closer to 1, efficiency is improving. 根据 寄存器, PUE for a traditional data center in 2022 was approximately 1.58, while single-phase immersion was able to bring this number down to the 1.05 to 1.10的范围.

2. Immersed Servers Do Not Require Air Conditioning

Traditional data center infrastructure would indirectly cool servers via raised floors, CRAC单元, and strategically placing units on the data center floor. 浸入式消除了这一要求,这一要求约占数据中心能耗的35-40%. This eliminates the need for hot and cold isles, raised floors, and CRAC单元.

3. 节省了空间

Not only does immersion cooling improve the energy efficiency of data centers, but it can save valuable space as well. 根据… 2023研究文章, 浸入式冷却只需要风冷配置的三分之一的空间. 提高这种效率的主要原因之一是不必考虑十大赌博正规老平台器内部的空气流动,从而提高了机架功率密度.

记住, 浸入式冷却十大赌博正规老平台器配置与传统的机架式十大赌博正规老平台器有很大的不同. 如果在数据中心中放置一个或两个浸入式十大赌博正规老平台器冷却箱,空间效率可能无法发挥作用. 在享受这种好处之前,可能需要对数据中心平面图进行大规模更改.

4. 增加机架密度

An average, fully populated data center 42U cabinet holds 5-7 kW worth of server compute. Alternatively, fully populated 42U immersion racks can hold over 380 kW of compute. 液体浸没冷却方案带来的安全计算密度优势是无可争议的. 更不用说,这些浸入式水箱可以安装在任何有电源和网络连接的地方.

5. 降低数据中心噪音

CRAC是数据中心主要的传统冷却方法之一,它依赖于风扇的使用. This means that traditional data centers are very loud. Immersion cooling server configurations don’t rely on fans and air flow for cooling. 因为 of their liquid cooling function, immersion cooling has proven to reduce data center noise.

6. Helps to Future-Proof Your Investment

对计算能力的需求, 更高的十大赌博正规老平台器机架密度, and heat removal is consistently trending upward. By implementing immersion cooling in your data center, 您正在为自己在IT环境中引入下一代产品建立更多的通道. 和, while non-standard direct-to-chip components will need to be upgraded for each generation, your liquid immersion bath will work even as servers evolve.

immersion cooling server process

Data Center Liquid Immersion Cooling – Optimized

推出液体冷却解决方案会带来一系列挑战,比如让现有硬件准备好浸入式冷却, 对维修人员(或寻找合格的第三方维修人员)进行浸入式齿轮维修过程的培训, and managing vendors for the tanks, 电介质, 和更多的.

Park Place Technologies可以通过作为整个过程的单一供应商解决方案来优化您的浸入式冷却过程. 进一步了解我们的 液体冷却液 今天!


作为首席技术官,Chris担任Park Place Technologies的首席技术主管. 他负责企业创新、研发和新的投资组合产品. Chris works in collaboration with business and technology leaders across the company, driving Park Place’s technology concepts to reality. 他深谙企业如何面对Edge等新兴技术带来的挑战和机遇, AI, 区块链, 和液体(浸没)冷却.